For Birds-of-Paradise, Being Hot Is Not Enough to Win a Mate, They Must Also Have The Moves

For birds-of-paradise, physical and vocal traits and behaviors evolve together, which is contrary to what we think we are seeing for most songbirds

by GrrlScientist for Forbes | @GrrlScientist

Adult male Wilson’s bird-of-paradise (Diphyllodes respublica). This is one of 39 (or so) species of passerine birds in the taxonomic family Paradisaeidae. This species courts females on the forest floor.
(Credit: Tim Laman, with kind permission.)

“After centuries of mistraining about how we should think about the process of evolution, it is still hard for people to see the obvious when it is staring right at them,” observed evolutionary ornithologist Richard Prum, Professor of Ornithology, and Head Curator of Vertebrate Zoology at the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University, when I asked him to comment on this new study.

“There are no rules to beauty.”

Adult male blue bird-of-paradise (Paradisaea rudolphi), is a medium-sized member of the taxonomic family, Paradisaeidae. This species courts females in the forest understory. Some ornithologists regard the blue bird-of-paradise as the most beautiful of all living birds.
(Credit: Tim Laman, with kind permission.)

At first glance, birds-of-paradise seem to defy conventional wisdom about the evolution of sexual signals in songbirds. Serious birders and students of evolution often note that the complexity of plumage color and ornaments appear to be inversely related to song complexity in songbirds: more colorful birds have less elaborate songs, whereas less colorful birds have more elaborate songs. This idea is certainly nothing new; even Charles Darwin (ref & ref) and Alfred Russel Wallace discussed this pattern.

Indeed, these familiar motifs form the basis of the “transfer hypothesis” (ref). The theoretical rationale underlying this hypothesis is that if two distinct sexual signals are both costly for males to develop or express, then an inverse, interspecific evolutionary trade-off is expected amongst related taxa (i.e.; ref & ref). Just a couple weeks ago, scientists based at the University of Oxford reported robust support for this hypothesis in birds, and they found that the evidence for this pattern remains strong even when accounting for other key factors, including habitat type, ecological divergence and interspecific interactions (ref).

Considering these studies, how did birds-of-paradise (often referred to as BoPs) evolve All The Things — stunning plumage colors, elaborate ornaments, complex calls and seemingly impossible, shape-shifting courtship dances?

Newly-published research by evolutionary biologist Russell Ligon, a postdoctoral research fellow at Cornell University’s Laboratory of Ornithology (“Lab of O”), and his collaborators, suggests that mate choices in birds-of-paradise have not focused primarily upon one trait, but instead, females are evaluating a male’s overall attractiveness — his plumage colors and ornaments as well as his singing and dancing abilities. Further, Dr. Ligon and his collaborators also found evidence that the location where males display, whether up in the treetops, in the understory or down on the forest floor, influences expression of sound and dance.

Left: Adult male King of Saxony bird-of-paradise (Pteridophora alberti). This species’s courtship displays can be seen in the forest understory. Right: Adult male lesser bird-of-paradise (Paradisaea minor), courtship displays can be seen in the forest canopy.
(Credit: Tim Laman, with kind permission.)

According to this study, all these traits evolved in tandem under the influence of both genetics and environment, and result from millions of years of meticulous mate choices. In their paper, Dr. Ligon and his collaborators refer to these bundled traits as a “courtship phenotype”.

Which traits are included in the “courtship phenotype” for birds-of-paradise?

Dr. Ligon and his collaborators analyzed 961 video clips and 176 audio clips maintained in Cornell’s Macauley Library archives, in addition to examining 393 museum specimens held by the American Museum of Natural History. Based on their studies, they concluded that a specific collection of traits and behaviors appear to comprise the “courtship phenotype” for birds-of-paradise (Figure 2):

  • As the number of colors on a male increase so do the number of different sounds he makes
  • The most elaborate dancers also have a large repertoire of sounds
  • Males that display to females in a group (known as a lek) have more colors so they are more visually conspicuous amidst the competition
Fig 2. Signal diversity indices vary widely across birds-of-paradise. To facilitate interpretation of variation in signal diversity across the family (Paradisaeidae), we generated scaled diversity scores for each signal type (color, behavior, sound) to create (left) a composite metric of overall signal diversity (heat-mapped to the phylogeny) and (right) stacked bar plots illustrating variation in the relative diversity for each signal type for each species. (doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2006962)

“I think Figure 2 captures some of the most interesting variation in signal diversity among species,” Dr. Ligon said in email. “You can see, for example, that the Parotias (the mostly black, in fact ultra-black [more here] birds that display on the forest floor) have low color diversity (small red bar), and really large behavioral diversity (purple bar).”

But it’s really all about the cumulative power of female choices

“But the KEY figure, in terms of the science, is Figure 3,” Dr. Ligon continued. “Those positive slopes, showing that species that have high color diversity also have high acoustic diversity (Fig 3a), and that species with high behavioral diversity have high acoustic diversity (Fig 3b), are the *thing* that really makes BoPs special, and suggest that females are choosing mates based on combinations of ornaments,” Dr. Ligon explained in email.

Fig 3. Positive phylogenetic correlations exist among several ornamental diversity indices at an evolutionary scale. (A) Color and acoustic diversity are positively correlated in the birds-of-paradise, where species with greater color diversity exhibit increased acoustic diversity when controlling for behavioral diversity, display height, and display proximity in an mPGLS regression. (B) Behavior and acoustic diversity are positively correlated in the birds-of-paradise, among whom species with greater behavioral diversity exhibit increased acoustic diversity when controlling for color diversity, display height, and display proximity in an mPGLS regression. Species’ points represent tip values for log transformed behavioral and color diversity. Exp lek = exploded lek; mPGLS = multiple phylogenetic generalized least squares; my = million years. (doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2006962)

Courtship location is also very important

Despite being brilliantly colorful, exquisitely ornamented and astonishingly musical, Dr. Ligon and his collaborators found that the location of the stage where courtship displays take place is also important to birds-of-paradise.

“Species that display on the ground have more dance moves than those displaying in the treetops or the forest understory,” said study co-author, evolutionary biologist Edwin Scholes, co-founder and leader of the Lab of O’s Bird-of-Paradise Project, in a press release. For example, in the forest canopy, males sang more complex songs because nearby females would be more likely to hear them. At the same time, these treetop males had less intricate dance moves. But the opposite was true for species who displayed on the forest floor.

“On the dark forest floor, males may need to up their game to get female attention,” Dr. Scholes pointed out.

Birds-of-paradise illustrations by Szabolcs Kókay; background illustration and graphic design by Jillian Ditner.
(Graphic courtesy of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.)

Is the combination of ecology and mate choice what makes birds-of-paradise special?

“Birds-of-paradise are ‘special’, in that positive correlations among ornaments across species is a really rare phenomenon in nature,” Dr. Ligon explained in email. These findings suggest that males may be able to evolve new features whilst still maintaining their overall attractiveness because females are choosing mates based on a combination of traits.

“The longstanding hypotheses regarding why BoPs are special focus on the unique natural, and evolutionary, history of this group,” Dr. Ligon elaborated. “They live in New Guinea and tropical northern Australia, in regions with essentially no mammalian competitors for fruit, and reduced predation pressure. This suggests that they can meet their energetic requirements more easily, and have to ‘worry’ about predators less — presumably freeing them up to focus on mate attraction/choice.”

“Additionally, the topography of New Guinea (which has promoted isolation and diversification of human languages [more here]), has presumably contributed to independent trajectories of ornament evolution [in birds-of-paradise],” Dr. Ligon added.

Adult male magnificent riflebird (Ptiloris magnificus). This medium-sized bird-of-paradise species courts females in the forest understory.
(Credit: Tim Laman, with kind permission.)

But are these evolutionary “trade-offs” or something else?

“I never believed there were any tradeoffs anywhere!” exclaimed Professor Prum in email after he read the paper.

“The paper is really interesting, but the authors keep searching for a kind of powerful explanation when none is required,” Professor Prum elaborated. “I think BoPs are not special in any way except in the strength of sexual selection persisting for a long time.”

“The idea that birds-of-paradise select mates based on integrated, multicomponent suites of ornaments is similar to the means by which humans evaluate works of art (i.e. we evaluate the essence of the work, which is more than the simple sum of its parts),” Dr. Ligon said.

Based on these criteria, one could almost think of male birds-of-paradise as living masterpieces created by discerning females.


Russell A. Ligon, Christopher D. Diaz, Janelle L. Morano, Jolyon Troscianko, Martin Stevens, Annalyse Moskeland, Timothy G. Laman, and Edwin Scholes, III (2018). Evolution of correlated complexity in the radically different courtship signals of birds-of-paradise, PLoS Biology, 16(11):e2006962 | doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2006962

Also cited:

Charles Darwin (1871). The descent of man and selection in relation to sex. (London, UK: John Murray: Amazon US / Amazon UK)

Originally published at Forbes on 20 November 2018.



𝐆𝐫𝐫𝐥𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭, scientist & journalist
Dialogue & Discourse

PhD evolutionary ecology/ornithology. Psittacophile. SciComm senior contributor at Forbes, former SciComm at Guardian. Also on Substack at 'Words About Birds'.